পিন করা হয়েছে
Illustrated graphic of different aspects of textile recycling tasks in a factory

Textile Recycling and Responsible Business Conduct: The Role of Social Compliance

WRAP insights about the increase in textile recycling, extended producer responsibility laws, and application of social compliance programs to the textile recycling industry.

Avedis seated on stage with two other speakers on a panel

Panel Discussion on Responsible Sourcing Legislation

WRAP leadership participated in a panel on preparing for responsible sourcing legislation.

Avedis and Nate side-by-side on a video call

AAFA শিল্প চ্যাট আপনি কিভাবে অডিট দেখা উচিত

Not all audits are the same. Learn how when done right, audits are important due diligence tools to ensure responsible supply chain practices.

Avedis shaking hands with sustainability committee chairman Selcuk Mehmet Kaya

WRAP IHKIB এর সাথে সমঝোতা স্মারক স্বাক্ষর করেছে


Avedis and Nate side-by-side in screenshot from video conference call about the apparel industry

ভিয়েতনামে সোর্সিং এর উপর AAFA ইন্ডাস্ট্রি চ্যাট

AAFA’s Senior Vice President of Policy and WRAP’s President & CEO discuss sourcing in Vietnam and recap the AAFA’s Social Responsibility Workshops held in Cambodia and India.

Factory worker putting red garment through a sewing machine

অডিট ক্লান্তির উত্থান এবং পতন

Learn about the global impact of audit fatigue in this op-ed from WRAP’s President & CEO, Avedis Seferian

Panoramic photo of a factory floor

WRAP কানাডায় বাধ্যতামূলক এবং শিশু শ্রমের বিধিবিধানের উপর CAF ওয়েবিনারকে স্পনসর করে

Join our President & CEO at a webinar helping businesses understand Canadian legislation addressing forced labor and child labor in supply chains

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