Panel Discussion on Responsible Sourcing Legislation

WRAP leadership participated in a panel on preparing for responsible sourcing legislation.

USFIA Webinar on Lesotho and Uzbekistan

WRAP and USFIA discuss Lesotho and Uzbekistan as alternative sourcing destinations for brands and buyers.

Charla de la industria de la AAFA sobre cómo debería ver las auditorías

Not all audits are the same. Learn how when done right, audits are important due diligence tools to ensure responsible supply chain practices.

Charla de la industria de la AAFA sobre el abastecimiento en Vietnam

AAFA’s Senior Vice President of Policy and WRAP’s President & CEO discuss sourcing in Vietnam and recap the AAFA’s Social Responsibility Workshops held in Cambodia and India.

El ascenso y la caída de la fatiga de la auditoría

Learn about the global impact of audit fatigue in this op-ed from WRAP’s President & CEO, Avedis Seferian

Fatiga de la auditoría: nuevos enfoques para un problema crónico

WRAP’s President and CEO discusses the history of audit fatigue in manufacturing facilities and best practices for devising practical solutions.

WRAP patrocina seminario web de CAF sobre regulaciones de trabajo forzoso e infantil en Canadá

Join our President & CEO at a webinar helping businesses understand Canadian legislation addressing forced labor and child labor in supply chains

Driving Due Diligence: Better Practices for Audits and Certifications (webinar)

Companies are facing higher costs created by mounting inefficiencies, confusion, and audit fatigue from new supply chain laws. Learn how to leverage industry standards for maximum efficiency and use real-time data and knowledge sharing.

Charla de la industria AAFA sobre Nearshoring

Nate Herman and Avedis Seferian discuss the implications of nearshoring for the U.S. market and the opportunities it presents for brands and retailers

AAFA Industry Chat on Due Diligence

AAFA’s Senior Vice President of Policy and WRAP’s President and CEO review the due diligence themed series of discussions from the AAFA’s Traceability Conference and Social Responsibility Committee meeting.

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