¿Cuánto cuesta obtener la certificación WRAP?

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) is a non-profit social compliance verification organization. Our funding model is entirely fee-for-service; we do not charge membership dues, solicit government grants, or turn to foundations or charitable donations for funds. All of our operational expenses are covered by revenues generated from our services. We work hard to deliver value while keeping costs and fees low. To continue delivering the high value for which we are known, we must make investments that facilitate growth – including making IT system upgrades and adding new staff in regions that require more resources.
We are mindful of the financial strain businesses are facing in the current global economic landscape – a burden felt especially by small facilities who naturally have fewer resources at their disposal. Our pricing structure was recently revised to reduce the application fee for facilities with 200 workers or fewer (which represent 30% of the facilities in our program) and increase the fee for larger facilities. This pricing structure went into effect January 1, 2024.
La tarifa de registro no incluye el precio de la auditoría, que es fijado por las empresas de monitoreo individuales y pagado directamente a ellas por la instalación que busca la certificación. Consulta nuestra página de certificación para obtener más información..
Facilities with 100 or fewer workers pay $650; Facilities with 101 – 200 workers pay $950; Facilities with 201 – 1,000 workers pay $1,350; and Facilities with 1,001+ workers pay $1,550.
WRAP’s mission remains the same as it was when we were founded 24 years ago – to ensure and advance safe and responsible working conditions while helping suppliers grow their businesses by meeting or exceeding buyers’ social compliance expectations. We appreciate the trust and confidence you place in our team, making WRAP the premier certification program for our industry. We remain fully committed to our mission and to working with you to promote socially responsible supply chains.
¿Por qué WRAP aumentó su tarifa de solicitud?
Redujimos la tarifa para el 30 por ciento de nuestras instalaciones e instituimos un aumento de precio para instalaciones más grandes para garantizar que podamos continuar haciendo las inversiones necesarias y brindando los servicios de alta calidad que esperan nuestras partes interesadas. Nuestro equipo trabajó duro para retrasar los aumentos de precios durante más de 10 años.
¿Cuándo se establece el conteo de trabajadores, en la solicitud o al momento de la auditoría?
The application fee is paid based on the number of workers that are reported at the time of application. However, WRAP will compare the number of workers reported on the application against the number of workers recorded at the time of the audit and if the difference impacts the facility’s fee category, WRAP reserves the right to withhold certification until the correct fee (based on the audited worker count) is paid.
¿Quién puede buscar la certificación WRAP?
Los certificados WRAP sólo se pueden otorgar a unidades de producción individuales. Las sociedades holding, las marcas y los minoristas no son elegibles para postularse. Además, nuestro programa de certificación se centra principalmente en productos de costura, prendas de vestir, calzado e industrias relacionadas.
¿Cómo obtiene una planta de producción la certificación WRAP?
Attaining a WRAP certificate involves a five-step process. It begins with the production facility filing an initial application with WRAP and paying the registration fee. Then the facility conducts a pre-audit self-assessment (PASA) of its compliance with WRAP’s 12 Principios, followed by an audit conducted by one of our accredited monitoring firms. The report from that audit is sent to WRAP to be reviewed by our compliance team. An independent review board will then decide whether to issue a certificate. Register a new facility to get started!
¿Cuánto tiempo lleva obtener la certificación WRAP?
Depending on the preparedness of the facility at the time of application, it can take as little as six weeks to get certified. However, it can take anywhere from 2-6 months, or in rare cases even longer, from the time an application is submitted for a certificate to be granted. Consulte nuestra página de certificación para obtener más información..
¿Cómo puedo saber si una fábrica cuenta con la certificación WRAP?
Puede encontrar una lista de las instalaciones actualmente certificadas en nuestro mapa del mundo. To have your facility displayed on the map, please email our Compliance Administration department.
¿Puedo obtener un solo certificado WRAP para varias fábricas?
No. Cada unidad debe realizar el proceso por separado.
Cierta marca afirma tener la certificación WRAP. ¿Es esto cierto?
No. Las marcas y los minoristas no pueden obtener la certificación WRAP. Sólo auditamos y certificamos unidades de producción individuales.
¿Cómo sé si mi ropa se confeccionó en una fábrica certificada por WRAP?
Supply chains for garments and footwear are long and complex, making it very difficult to determine them as being made entirely in WRAP-certified facilities. For instance, while the final assembly of a shirt may have taken place in a WRAP-certified facility, the cloth, buttons, or other components may have been made in a facility that is not WRAP-certified. WRAP is not a consumer-facing organization; we do not maintain a system for tagging garments and footwear that were made in our certified facilities. Several brands and retailers, however, have chosen to indicate on their websites whether they source from WRAP-certified facilities.
Qué compañías aceptan los certificados de WRAP
Over 700 buyers, brands, and retailers around the world accept our certification, though each of them does so in varying ways according to their own unique social compliance programs. WRAP continues to be the most widely accepted independent certification in the sewn products industry. Some companies may choose to accept a WRAP certification in lieu of their own audits, while others prefer to accept WRAP certifications only for facilities where they themselves have conducted the initial inspection. Some companies have also elected to accept WRAP certificates only in specific countries, or solely for their licensees, or only in facilities that have been audited by a particular firm. If you are a vendor looking for more information about how a specific brand utilizes WRAP, please Contáctanos.