Wie viel kostet die WRAP-Zertifizierung?
Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) is a non-profit social compliance verification organization. Our funding model is entirely fee-for-service; we do not charge membership dues, solicit government grants, or turn to foundations or charitable donations for funds. All of our operational expenses are covered by revenues generated from our services. We work hard to deliver value while keeping costs and fees low, and the last time we increased our registration fees was back in 2010; it stayed at US$1,195 for well over a decade. However, to continue being able to deliver the high value for which we have become known, we must make investments that facilitate growth – including making IT system upgrades and adding new staff in regions that require more resources.
We had to give serious thought to the fees we charge and we knew we are not alone in this regard. We are mindful of the financial strain businesses are facing in the current global economic landscape – a burden felt especially by small facilities who naturally have fewer resources at their disposal (in fact, we conducted a pricing pilot from 2022-2023 that offered certain smaller factories a reduced application fee).
With all of that in mind, our pricing structure was recently revised to reduce the application fee for facilities with 200 workers or fewer (which represent 30% of the facilities in our program) and increase the fee for larger facilities. This pricing structure went into effect January 1, 2024.
The registration fee does not include the price of the audit, which is set by the individual monitoring firms and paid directly to them by the facility seeking certification. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Zertifizierungsseite.
All facilities with 100 or fewer workers pay only $650, while facilities with a worker count between 101 and 200 pay $950. Facilities with 201 – 1,000 workers are charged a registration fee of $1,350 and facilities with 1,001 workers or more pay $1,550. The chart above provides this information as a table.
WRAP’s mission remains the same as it was when we were founded 24 years ago – to ensure safe and responsible working conditions while helping suppliers grow their businesses by meeting or exceeding buyers’ social compliance expectations. We appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in our team, making WRAP the premier certification program for this industry. We remain fully committed to our mission and to working with you to promote socially responsible supply chains.
Why did WRAP raise its application fee?
We lowered the fee for 30 percent of our facilities and instituted a price increase for larger facilities to ensure we can continue to make necessary investments and provide the high-quality services expected by our stakeholders. Our team worked hard to delay price increases for more than 10 years.
When is the worker count established, in the application or at the time of the audit?
The application fee is paid based on the number of workers that are reported at the time of application. However, WRAP will compare the number of workers reported on the application against the number of workers recorded at the time of the audit and if there is difference that impacts the facility’s fee category, WRAP reserves the right to withhold certification until the correct fee (based on the audited worker count) is paid.
Wer kann eine WRAP-Zertifizierung anstreben?
WRAP certificates can only be granted to individual production units. Holding companies, brands, and retailers are not eligible to apply. Furthermore, our certification program is mainly focused on sewn products, apparel, footwear, and related industries.
Wie wird eine Produktionsstätte WRAP-zertifiziert?
Attaining a WRAP certificate involves a five-step process. It begins with the production facility filing an initial application with WRAP and paying the registration fee. Then the facility will conduct a pre-audit self-assessment (PASA) of its compliance with WRAP’s 12 Grundsätze, which is followed by an audit conducted by one of our accredited monitoring firms. The report from that audit is sent to WRAP to be reviewed by our compliance team. An independent review board will then decide whether to issue a certificate. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Zertifizierungsseite.
Wie lange dauert die WRAP-Zertifizierung?
Dies hängt von der Bereitschaft der Einrichtung zum Zeitpunkt der Antragstellung ab. Die Zertifizierung kann nur sechs Wochen dauern, kann jedoch zwischen 2 und 6 Monaten oder in seltenen Fällen sogar länger ab dem Zeitpunkt der Einreichung eines Antrags auf Erteilung eines Zertifikats dauern. See our certification page for more information.
Wie kann ich herausfinden, ob eine Einrichtung WRAP-zertifiziert ist?
A list of currently certified facilities can be found on our Weltkarte. To have your facility displayed on the map, please email our Compliance Administration department.
Kann ich ein einzelnes WRAP-Zertifikat für mehrere Einrichtungen erhalten?
Nein. Jede Einheit muss den Prozess separat durchlaufen.
Eine bestimmte Marke behauptet, WRAP-zertifiziert zu sein. Ist das wahr?
No. Brands and retailers themselves cannot be WRAP-certified. We only audit and certify individual production units.
Woher weiß ich, ob meine Kleidung in einer WRAP-zertifizierten Einrichtung hergestellt wurde?
Die Lieferketten für Kleidungsstücke und Schuhe sind lang und komplex, was es sehr schwierig macht, sie als vollständig in WRAP-zertifizierten Einrichtungen hergestellt zu kennzeichnen. Während beispielsweise die Endmontage eines Hemdes in einer WRAP-zertifizierten Einrichtung stattgefunden haben kann, wurden der Stoff, die Knöpfe oder andere Komponenten möglicherweise in einer Einrichtung hergestellt, die nicht WRAP-zertifiziert ist. WRAP ist keine verbraucherorientierte Organisation; Wir unterhalten kein System zur Kennzeichnung von Kleidungsstücken und Schuhen, die in unseren zertifizierten Einrichtungen hergestellt wurden. Mehrere Marken und Einzelhändler haben sich jedoch dafür entschieden, auf ihren Websites anzugeben, ob sie von WRAP-zertifizierten Einrichtungen beziehen.
What companies accept WRAP certificates?
Over 700 buyers, brands, and retailers around the world accept our certification, though each of them does so in varying ways according to their own unique social compliance programs. WRAP continues to be the most widely accepted independent certification in the sewn products industry. Some companies may choose to accept a WRAP certification in lieu of their own audits, while others prefer to accept WRAP certifications only for facilities where they themselves have conducted the initial inspection. Some companies have also elected to accept WRAP certificates only in specific countries, or solely for their licensees, or only in facilities that have been audited by a particular firm. If you are a vendor looking for more information about how a specific brand utilizes WRAP, please kontaktiere uns.