Textile Recycling and Responsible Business Conduct: The Role of Social Compliance
WRAP’s Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement, Mark Jaeger, wrote an article titled “Textile Recycling and Responsible Business Conduct: The Role of Social Compliance” for the Reverse Logistics Association’s 134th edition of their Reverse Logistics Magazine featuring cover art by WRAP’s Selin Boybeyi. The article discusses the increase in textile recycling, the rise of extended producer […]
How many social audits are enough?
Explore findings from WRAP’s survey of hundreds of manufacturers around the world about social compliance audits conducted in their facilities.
Apparel Textile Sourcing Canada (ATSC) Trade Show
Join WRAP at the largest international sourcing event focused on North American apparel, textile, and fashion sectors.
AAFA 社会责任虚拟培训录制
WRAP 的利益相关者参与副总裁 Mark Jaeger 是美国服装和鞋类协会 (AAFA) 主办的虚拟培训的特邀发言人。本次会议介绍了社会合规计划的发展背景以及计划有效性的现实制约因素。会议还回顾了促进整个供应链社会合规的策略。[…]
AAFA Virtual Training on Social Responsibility
WRAP’s Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement, Mark Jaeger, will be a featured speaker in an upcoming members-only webinar hosted by the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA). This virtual training will benefit AAFA members who are interested in or new to social compliance and/or environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in the apparel, footwear, or […]
企业社会责任 (CSR):现状和展望
在与加拿大服装联合会 (CAF) 联合发表的演讲中,WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 和 WRAP 利益相关者参与副总裁 Mark Jaeger 讨论了全球供应链中的社会合规问题,重点关注日益增长的行业交叉点人权和贸易。会议讨论了当前的风险、选择和权衡,其中 […]
在第五届 Destination Africa 活动中,WRAP 利益相关者参与副总裁 Mark Jaeger 讨论了社会合规对寻求将货物运往欧盟和美国的非洲服装公司的日益重要的作用。