Avedis seated on stage with two other speakers on a panel

Panel Discussion on Responsible Sourcing Legislation

WRAP leadership participated in a panel on preparing for responsible sourcing legislation.

USFIA 关于莱索托和乌兹别克斯坦的网络研讨会

WRAP and USFIA discuss Lesotho and Uzbekistan as alternative sourcing destinations for brands and buyers.

Panoramic photo of a factory floor

WRAP sponsors CAF webinar on forced and child labor regulations in Canada

Join our President & CEO at a webinar helping businesses understand Canadian legislation addressing forced labor and child labor in supply chains

Ad for Plenary Session about safety and well-being for garment workers in Bangladesh with Gerwin from WRAP

Best of Bangladesh 2023

Join WRAP’s Europe Representative in discussing strategies for strengthening Bangladesh’s appeal as a sourcing destination

Ad for FashionDex meeting on ethical sourcing and sustainable options in Asia with Hong Mei from WRAP

2023 ASD Market Week

WRAP’s Senior Director of Program Integrity is speaking on best practices for responsible sourcing and sustainable production in Asia

Logo for Apparel Textile Sourcing conference in Canada August 2023

Apparel Textile Sourcing Canada (ATSC) Trade Show

Join WRAP at the largest international sourcing event focused on North American apparel, textile, and fashion sectors.

Man and woman discussing paper work

AAFA Virtual Training on Social Responsibility

WRAP’s Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement, Mark Jaeger, will be a featured speaker in an upcoming members-only webinar hosted by the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA). This virtual training will benefit AAFA members who are interested in or new to social compliance and/or environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in the apparel, footwear, or […]

Ad for 2023 Washington Trade Symposium with image of US Capitol building

WRAP session at USFIA Washington Trade Symposium to address audit fatigue

Our President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, will be a featured speaker in a session at the United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA)’s 2023 Washington Trade Symposium. For the first time, this event will be hybrid; it will be held in-person in Washington D.C., but can be attended virtually from anywhere in the world. Our session, […]

Sustainable Apparel and Textiles Conference

Wednesday, June 21, 20233:30 – 4:15 p.m. ET Verizon Executive Education Center (Cornell Tech)2 W Loop Rd.New York City, NY. 10044 WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, will be a featured speaker at Innovation Forum’s two-day conference in New York. His session will explore how social compliance standards can align to tackle audit fatigue and […]

Panel discussion on cultural impact of Rana Plaza at 2023 Sustainability Summit

WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, was a featured speaker at Sourcing Journal’s 2023 Sustainability Summit in New York. He joined a panel discussion on how the tragic collapse of Rana Plaza impacted the social compliance landscape and global discourse about human rights issues in supply chains. Learn more about the insights and personal testimonies […]

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