
Senior Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement and Board Secretary

As Senior Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement, Mark Jaeger is responsible for engaging WRAP’s wide range of stakeholders and furthering the organization’s position as the world’s largest independent facility certification program focused on the apparel, footwear, and sewn products sectors. Even before becoming a member of our team, Mark was a longstanding supporter of our mission, and he recently concluded a 16-year term on our Board of Directors.

在加入 WRAP 之前,Mark 曾担任全球品牌服装公司 Jockey International 的高级副总裁、总法律顾问兼秘书。马克在赛马团队工作了 27 年,负责监督法律、贸易和合规事务。

此外,Mark 还是多个行业组织的重要成员,包括担任纺织品和服装行业贸易咨询委员会 (ITAC 13)、美国服装和鞋类协会 (AAFA) 政府关系委员会以及基诺沙的主席地区商业联盟 (KABA)。他目前是爱荷华大学 Tippie 商学院的管理和创业咨询委员会成员。

马克以优异的成绩在爱荷华大学获得了经济学工商管理学士 (BBA) 学位。他还拥有南伊利诺伊大学法学院的法律学位。