Illustrated graphic of different aspects of textile recycling tasks in a factory

Textile Recycling and Responsible Business Conduct: The Role of Social Compliance

WRAP insights about the increase in textile recycling, extended producer responsibility laws, and application of social compliance programs to the textile recycling industry.

Avedis seated on stage with two other speakers on a panel

Panel Discussion on Responsible Sourcing Legislation

WRAP leadership participated in a panel on preparing for responsible sourcing legislation.

Ad for FashionDex meeting on ethical sourcing and sustainable options in Asia with Hong Mei from WRAP

2023 ASD Market Week

WRAP’s Senior Director of Program Integrity is speaking on best practices for responsible sourcing and sustainable production in Asia

Logo for Apparel Textile Sourcing conference in Canada August 2023

Apparel Textile Sourcing Canada (ATSC) Trade Show

Join WRAP at the largest international sourcing event focused on North American apparel, textile, and fashion sectors.

AAFA 社会责任虚拟培训录制

WRAP 的利益相关者参与副总裁 Mark Jaeger 是美国服装和鞋类协会 (AAFA) 主办的虚拟培训的特邀发言人。本次会议介绍了社会合规计划的发展背景以及计划有效性的现实制约因素。会议还回顾了促进整个供应链社会合规的策略。[…]

Man and woman discussing paper work

AAFA Virtual Training on Social Responsibility

WRAP’s Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement, Mark Jaeger, will be a featured speaker in an upcoming members-only webinar hosted by the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA). This virtual training will benefit AAFA members who are interested in or new to social compliance and/or environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in the apparel, footwear, or […]