Illustrated graphic of different aspects of textile recycling tasks in a factory

Textile Recycling and Responsible Business Conduct: The Role of Social Compliance

WRAP insights about the increase in textile recycling, extended producer responsibility laws, and application of social compliance programs to the textile recycling industry.

Avedis seated on stage with two other speakers on a panel

Panel Discussion on Responsible Sourcing Legislation

WRAP leadership participated in a panel on preparing for responsible sourcing legislation.

WRAP 和 TEDD 宣布合作简化服装和纺织品制造中的人权尽职调查

(2022 年 1 月 24 日,星期一)面对不断发展的人权立法,以及消费者、利益相关者和投资者社区对负责任商业行为的呼声越来越高,所有组织都将从专注于环境问题和治理的战略尽职调查中受益。再加上全球对制造和采购透明度的需求不断增长,这些文化 [...]