We work with facilities at the ground level to bolster their compliance standing and support the long-term success of their businesses, while protecting the liberties of workers and safeguarding our environment. A WRAP certification affirms that a production unit consistently abides by all applicable laws and best practices, and our independent, third-party approach promotes accountability, transparency, and objectivity throughout the process.
Every WRAP-certified facility has undergone an intensive social compliance audit verifying it abides by our 12 Principles, which are based on local laws and internationally recognized standards. Unlike other programs, WRAP provides annual, independent determinations of each facility’s standing and incorporates risk-focused reviews after certification to confirm continued compliance. We also train buyer and manufacturer staff on a variety of critical subject matters and educate the next generation of social compliance auditors about best practices, evolving regulations, and the ever-changing landscape of responsible production.
Today, there are more than 3.25 million workers employed in over 3,500 WRAP-certified facilities around the world. These production units affirmatively meet the expectations of hundreds of leading brands and retailers, reducing audit fatigue and enhancing their competitiveness in the global market.
12 Principles
The principles that shape our social compliance program are based on generally accepted international workplace standards, local laws, and workplace regulations.
WRAP’s standard-setting process
Designed to be flexible and proactive, WRAP conducts thorough reviews of its certification program every two years and makes updates as needed, ensuring it is constantly adapting to the evolving social compliance landscape.
Our history
The need for an independent facility auditing body arose in the mid-1990s when reports surfaced of “sweatshop” conditions in numerous apparel factories around the world. These issues included excessive working hours, unsafe conditions, and the denial of several mandated worker benefits.

How WRAP can help
WRAP for facilities

WRAP can help convey your commitment to responsible business practices to prospective buyers.
Brands and retailers around the world are looking to verify traceability and visibility within their supply chains, and as a recognized symbol of social and ethical standards, a WRAP certificate provides the assurance they are looking for. It demonstrates that your facility obeys the laws of your country, treats your workers with dignity and respect, and is conscious of the impact your operations have on the environment. A WRAP certification raises your facility’s profile in the eyes of preeminent brands and retailers who value supply chain responsibility.
Additionally, we know how audit fatigue impacts factories and their workforces. That’s why we are proud to share that our certificate satisfies hundreds of leading buyers across the globe, reducing the number of audits facilities must undergo each year and allowing workers to focus on day-to-day operations.
WRAP for buyers
The world may be getting smaller, but supply chains continue to grow and are subject to a wide range of local customs, legal and economic systems, and national traditions. Monitoring a global supply chain requires significant resources, including time, money, and staff. That’s why buyers prefer the WRAP program; we can help maintain your supply chain’s integrity in an efficient and cost-effective way.
WRAP certification is recognized around the world as proof of social compliance. We only certify individual production units, not parent companies or brands, allowing our auditors to get an on-the-ground perspective of each facility’s day-to-day operations and ensure real compliance. Buyers who work with WRAP-certified factories save time and money verifying that their manufacturing partners are meeting key social and ethical standards.

WRAP for the public

With every training conducted or WRAP certificate issued, consumers can rest assured that the goods they purchase were manufactured under humane working conditions. Buyers can provide customers with concrete proof of their commitments to supply chain accountability. Factory workers around the world benefit from increased visibility. Elected officials and businesses see that their communities value social compliance.
When any production unit registers with the WRAP program, we all move one step closer to a world where supply chains are responsible, accountable, sustainable, and transparent.
In June 2020, WRAP introduced the concept of “symphonization,” a new approach to social compliance that recognizes the opportunity presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic to reset the supply chain social compliance management paradigm.
Symphonization calls for buyers (brands and retailers) to move away from duplicative proprietary programs to an approach involving a handful of specialized, professional, independent organizations providing a menu-of-options for the supply chain as a whole. Leveraging the expertise of organizations with a proven record of certifying socially responsible production will reduce audit fatigue and enable buyers to curate a program that aligns with their current status in their social compliance journey. Symphonization also frees up resources from pre-competitive due diligence functions to be utilized for consumer-facing, brand-building activities.

Thought leadership

Social compliance is a critical concern for supply chain professionals. For most buyers, it is a threshold issue in determining the viability of engaging a production facility as a sourcing partner. This is especially paramount as consumers increasingly value responsible business practices.
As the world continues to move towards more advanced traceability and social compliance standards, it is paramount to remain informed about evolving developments and trends in responsible sourcing. WRAP looks to drive the conversation on important topics in this space and keeps industry leaders up to date on key issues.