Avedis shaking hands with sustainability committee chairman Selcuk Mehmet Kaya

WRAP Signs MoU with IHKIB

Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association (IHKIB) international relations and sustainability committee chairman Selcuk Mehmet Kaya visited our office in Arlington to sign an MoU with our President and CEO, Avedis Seferian.

WRAP/American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) webinar.

Symphonization: A new social compliance paradigm post-COVID

Avedis Seferian, WRAP’s President & CEO, discusses “Symphonization” at a joint WRAP/American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) webinar.

“Symphonization” – a new approach to social compliance in the post-pandemic world

WRAP’s President & CEO Avedis Seferian joins American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) President and CEO Steve Lamar for an installment in the AAFA’s “Resilience” series.

Symphonization: The true path to harmonious supply chain social compliance management

Harmony is what those of us with roles to play in modern supply chains have been seeking for the past two decades, particularly when it comes to the issue of social compliance audits. This paper proposes a new approach to social compliance in the post-pandemic world.