Sustainable Apparel and Textiles Conference

Wednesday, June 21, 20233:30 – 4:15 p.m. ET Verizon Executive Education Center (Cornell Tech)2 W Loop Rd.New York City, NY. 10044 WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, will be a featured speaker at Innovation Forum’s two-day conference in New York. His session will explore how social compliance standards can align to tackle audit fatigue and […]

Panel discussion on cultural impact of Rana Plaza at 2023 Sustainability Summit

WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, was a featured speaker at Sourcing Journal’s 2023 Sustainability Summit in New York. He joined a panel discussion on how the tragic collapse of Rana Plaza impacted the social compliance landscape and global discourse about human rights issues in supply chains. Learn more about the insights and personal testimonies […]

Accountability in the apparel industry 10 years after Rana Plaza

WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, joins the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA)’s Vice President of Policy, Nate Herman, for a discussion on accountability in the apparel industry ahead of the 10-year anniversary of the collapse of Rana Plaza.

WRAP 和 TEDD 宣布合作简化服装和纺织品制造中的人权尽职调查

(2022 年 1 月 24 日,星期一)面对不断发展的人权立法,以及消费者、利益相关者和投资者社区对负责任商业行为的呼声越来越高,所有组织都将从专注于环境问题和治理的战略尽职调查中受益。再加上全球对制造和采购透明度的需求不断增长,这些文化 [...]


WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 加入美国服装和鞋类协会 (AAFA),讨论供应链和整个服装行业中的劳工问题。 


WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 与 AAFA 政策高级副总裁 Nate Herman 一起讨论旨在帮助 AAFA 成员制定和实施政策以识别和消除供应链中任何形式的强迫劳动的新指南。 

企业社会责任 (CSR):现状和展望

在与加拿大服装联合会 (CAF) 联合发表的演讲中,WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 和 WRAP 利益相关者参与副总裁 Mark Jaeger 讨论了全球供应链中的社会合规问题,重点关注日益增长的行业交叉点人权和贸易。会议讨论了当前的风险、选择和权衡,其中 […]


WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 与 AAFA 政策高级副总裁 Nate Herman 讨论美中贸易关系现状和新疆局势。

Avedis Seferian during USFIA Virtual Apparel Importers Trade and Transportation Conference


WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 在美国时装业协会 (USFIA) 虚拟服装进口商贸易和运输会议期间讨论了如何解决供应链中的强迫劳动问题。

Avedis Seferian and AAFA: a seminar on Restarting Sourcing Responsibly


WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 与美国服装和鞋类协会 (AAFA) 合作举办关于重新开始负责任采购的研讨会。

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