Advancing safe, lawful, humane, and ethical practices in production facilities worldwide.



这不一定很难。 我们可以提供帮助。

WRAP 认证向世界各地的品牌和消费者表明设施符合国际公认的社会责任标准。

Man and woman discussing paperwork in factory
Group of men and women working in a clothing factory

AAFA Industry Chat on How You Should View Audits

American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) Senior Vice President of Policy Nate Herman sat down with our President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, to tackle the question: “How should you view audits?” While acknowledging that audits aren’t perfect (and they are not all the same), they conclude that when done right by independent and credible organizations, […]

WRAP Signs MoU with IHKIB

Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association (IHKIB) international relations and sustainability committee chairman Selcuk Mehmet Kaya visited our office in Arlington to sign an MoU with our President and CEO, Avedis Seferian.