Learn about the global impact of audit fatigue in this op-ed from WRAP’s President & CEO, Avedis Seferian

Audit Fatigue: New Approaches to a Chronic Problem
WRAP’s President and CEO discusses the history of audit fatigue in manufacturing facilities and best practices for devising practical solutions.

How many social audits are enough?
Explore findings from WRAP’s survey of hundreds of manufacturers around the world about social compliance audits conducted in their facilities.

Best of Bangladesh 2023
Join WRAP’s Europe Representative in discussing strategies for strengthening Bangladesh’s appeal as a sourcing destination
WRAP CEO discusses third-party compliance verification in Sri Lankan facilities
Read WRAP’s President and CEO’s article on why manufacturers in Sri Lanka are increasingly investing in third-party social compliance verification.

WRAP session at USFIA Washington Trade Symposium to address audit fatigue
Our President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, will be a featured speaker in a session at the United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA)’s 2023 Washington Trade Symposium. For the first time, this event will be hybrid; it will be held in-person in Washington D.C., but can be attended virtually from anywhere in the world. Our session, […]

反思 Rana Plaza 悲剧的挥之不去的影响:Rachelle Jackson 的《商业与人权》播客中的对话。
WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 参加了“Rachelle 的商业与人权”播客,讨论孟加拉国 Rana Plaza 工厂倒塌 10 周年。本期节目探讨了企业对这场历史性悲剧的反应、行业在预防方面学到了什么,以及世界现在对 […] 的期望

在 Rana Plaza 倒塌十周年之际,WRAP 总裁兼首席执行官 Avedis Seferian 与美国服装与鞋类协会 (AAFA) 政策副总裁 Nate Herman 一起探讨服装行业的责任问题。

随着 COVID-19 大流行持续第三年,业务运营试图恢复正常,以及公共卫生指南不断变化,美国服装和鞋类协会 (AAFA) 更新了之前由全球责任认可生产 (WRAP) 创建的指南) — AAFA 的企业社会责任合作伙伴 — 在 [...] 期间实现更安全的工厂运营