Illustrated graphic of different aspects of textile recycling tasks in a factory

Textile Recycling and Responsible Business Conduct: The Role of Social Compliance

WRAP insights about the increase in textile recycling, extended producer responsibility laws, and application of social compliance programs to the textile recycling industry.

Avedis and Nate side-by-side on a video call

AAFA 行业聊天:您应该如何看待审计


Avedis and Nate side-by-side in screenshot from video conference call about the apparel industry

AAFA 越南采购行业对话

AAFA’s Senior Vice President of Policy and WRAP’s President & CEO discuss sourcing in Vietnam and recap the AAFA’s Social Responsibility Workshops held in Cambodia and India.

Factory worker putting red garment through a sewing machine


Learn about the global impact of audit fatigue in this op-ed from WRAP’s President & CEO, Avedis Seferian

Person filling out an evaluation form with a pen

Audit Fatigue: New Approaches to a Chronic Problem

WRAP’s President and CEO discusses the history of audit fatigue in manufacturing facilities and best practices for devising practical solutions.

Person seated filling out a form with a pen

How many social audits are enough?

Explore findings from WRAP’s survey of hundreds of manufacturers around the world about social compliance audits conducted in their facilities.

Driving Due Diligence: Better Practices for Audits and Certifications (webinar)

Companies are facing higher costs created by mounting inefficiencies, confusion, and audit fatigue from new supply chain laws. Learn how to leverage industry standards for maximum efficiency and use real-time data and knowledge sharing.

Side by side zoom meeting with Avedis and Nate smiling while discussing nearshoring

AAFA Industry Chat on Nearshoring

Nate Herman and Avedis Seferian discuss the implications of nearshoring for the U.S. market and the opportunities it presents for brands and retailers

AAFA 社会责任虚拟培训录制

WRAP 的利益相关者参与副总裁 Mark Jaeger 是美国服装和鞋类协会 (AAFA) 主办的虚拟培训的特邀发言人。本次会议介绍了社会合规计划的发展背景以及计划有效性的现实制约因素。会议还回顾了促进整个供应链社会合规的策略。[…]

Panel discussion on cultural impact of Rana Plaza at 2023 Sustainability Summit

WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, was a featured speaker at Sourcing Journal’s 2023 Sustainability Summit in New York. He joined a panel discussion on how the tragic collapse of Rana Plaza impacted the social compliance landscape and global discourse about human rights issues in supply chains. Learn more about the insights and personal testimonies […]

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