AAFA-Branchenchat: So sollten Sie Audits betrachten
Nate Herman, Senior Vice President of Policy der American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA), setzte sich mit unserem Präsidenten und CEO Avedis Seferian zusammen, um die Frage zu besprechen: „Wie sollten Sie Audits betrachten?“ Sie räumen zwar ein, dass Audits nicht perfekt sind (und nicht alle gleich), kommen jedoch zu dem Schluss, dass Audits, wenn sie von unabhängigen und glaubwürdigen Organisationen richtig durchgeführt werden, […]
AAFA Industry Chat zum Thema Beschaffung in Vietnam
Nate Herman, Senior Vice President of Policy der American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), traf sich mit unserem Präsidenten und CEO Avedis Seferian, um über die Beschaffung in Vietnam und einen Rückblick auf die Social Responsibility Workshops der AAFA zu sprechen, die kürzlich in Kambodscha und Indien stattfanden.
Aufstieg und Fall der Prüfungsmüdigkeit
Wenn Social-Compliance-Audits ordnungsgemäß durchgeführt werden, erfüllen sie einen wichtigen Zweck. Aber wenn eine Fabrik in kurzer Zeit mehreren, sich wiederholenden Bewertungen unterzogen wird, kann dies mehr schaden als nützen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die globalen Auswirkungen der Prüfungsmüdigkeit in diesem Kommentar von Avedis Seferian, Präsident und CEO von WRAP.
Audit Fatigue: New Approaches to a Chronic Problem
In a recent webinar hosted by our friends at the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), WRAP’s President and CEO discussed the history of audit fatigue in manufacturing facilities and best practices for devising practical solutions. The full recording of this session is available here.
How many social audits are enough?
The chronic – and growing – problem of audit fatigue and what to do about it. WRAP surveyed hundreds of manufacturers around the world about social compliance audits conducted in their facilities each year. The goal of this survey was to gauge the level of disruption they experience and the resources required in order to […]
Driving Due Diligence: Better Practices for Audits and Certifications (webinar)
The avalanche of tightening new supply chain laws across the globe has left both retailers and their suppliers in a bind. With so many requirements to meet – and such a high risk of legal and reputational damage associated with lapses – companies are facing higher costs created by mounting inefficiencies, confusion, and audit fatigue. […]
AAFA Industry Chat on Nearshoring
American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) Senior Vice President of Policy Nate Herman sat down with our President & CEO, Avedis Seferian, to discuss the implications of nearshoring for the United States market and the opportunities it presents for brands and retailers.
Recording of AAFA Virtual Training on Social Responsibility
WRAP’s Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement, Mark Jaeger, was a featured speaker in a virtual training hosted by the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA). This session provided context on the development of social compliance programs and the real-world constraints on program effectiveness. It also reviewed strategies for promoting social compliance across the supply chain. […]
Panel discussion on cultural impact of Rana Plaza at 2023 Sustainability Summit
WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, was a featured speaker at Sourcing Journal’s 2023 Sustainability Summit in New York. He joined a panel discussion on how the tragic collapse of Rana Plaza impacted the social compliance landscape and global discourse about human rights issues in supply chains. Learn more about the insights and personal testimonies […]
2023 Worker Survey Report
This paper shares the findings of a joint worker survey conducted from October 2021 – March 2023 in labor-intensive manufacturing facilities in exporting countries. Six nonprofit social compliance organizations collaborated on the deployment of the survey tool in their partnering facilities. The 14,739 workers surveyed were primarily based in Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Italy, and Turkey; […]