Factory worker putting red garment through a sewing machine

Aufstieg und Fall der Prüfungsmüdigkeit

Learn about the global impact of audit fatigue in this op-ed from WRAP’s President & CEO, Avedis Seferian

Person filling out an evaluation form with a pen

Audit Fatigue: New Approaches to a Chronic Problem

WRAP’s President and CEO discusses the history of audit fatigue in manufacturing facilities and best practices for devising practical solutions.

Person seated filling out a form with a pen

How many social audits are enough?

Explore findings from WRAP’s survey of hundreds of manufacturers around the world about social compliance audits conducted in their facilities.

Ad for Plenary Session about safety and well-being for garment workers in Bangladesh with Gerwin from WRAP

Best of Bangladesh 2023

Join WRAP’s Europe Representative in discussing strategies for strengthening Bangladesh’s appeal as a sourcing destination

WRAP CEO discusses third-party compliance verification in Sri Lankan facilities

Read WRAP’s President and CEO’s article on why manufacturers in Sri Lanka are increasingly investing in third-party social compliance verification.

Ad for 2023 Washington Trade Symposium with image of US Capitol building

WRAP session at USFIA Washington Trade Symposium to address audit fatigue

Our President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, will be a featured speaker in a session at the United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA)’s 2023 Washington Trade Symposium. For the first time, this event will be hybrid; it will be held in-person in Washington D.C., but can be attended virtually from anywhere in the world. Our session, […]

Reflecting on the lingering implications of the Rana Plaza tragedy: a conversation on Rachelle Jackson’s Business & Human Rights podcast.

WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, joined the “Business and Human Rights with Rachelle” podcast to discuss the 10-year anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh. This episode explores businesses’ responses to the historic tragedy, what the industry learned in terms of prevention, and what the world now expects when it comes to […]

Accountability in the apparel industry 10 years after Rana Plaza

WRAP’s President and CEO, Avedis Seferian, joins the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA)’s Vice President of Policy, Nate Herman, for a discussion on accountability in the apparel industry ahead of the 10-year anniversary of the collapse of Rana Plaza.

Sichere Betriebsabläufe in einem Umfeld nach einer Pandemie

Da die COVID-19-Pandemie nun schon ein drittes Jahr andauert, die Unternehmen versuchen, ihren Betrieb wieder normal aufzunehmen, und sich die Richtlinien für die öffentliche Gesundheit ständig ändern, hat die American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) die Leitlinien aktualisiert, die zuvor mit Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) - AAFAs Partner für die soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen - erstellt wurden, um einen sichereren Fabrikbetrieb während [...]

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