Hướng dẫn AAFA-WRAP về Myanmar

...  light of the February 1, 2021 coup in Myanmar (otherwise known as Burma), the American ...  sourcing from Myanmar. We urge buyers to take steps to ensure workers' rights are protected, including union members, to ensure ...


Tổng quan về đào tạo

...  is the first step to success in any social compliance program. WRAP is committed ...  stay informed about the latest regulatory developments best practices. Our training program bolsters buyers, manufacturers,  ...


Quy trình gia hạn

...  certification Renewals are more streamlined than the original registration process, but each facility must still undergo a new audit to ensure continued compliance. All WRAP audits — including those conducted ...

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Quy trình thiết lập tiêu chuẩn của chúng tôi

...  12 Principles guide our certification program, but our specific audit ...  program. New prospective industry developments best practices are assessed during this process organizational protocols ...


Đào tạo nhân viên tuân thủ

...  intended for employees who already have basic knowledge of the audit process are looking to establish or manage a compliance program ...  safety policies  Environmental best practices Establishing a robust security infrastructure Strategies ...


Đào tạo kiểm toán viên trong năm ngày

...  facility’s social compliance management systems against the requirements of WRAP, conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), local laws. Attendees will learn about best practices relevant policies. Cácy will also participate in case study ...


Đào tạo cầu hai ngày

...  two-day course bridges the divide between being an APSCA CSCA a WRAP-accredited Lead Auditor. It ...  safety policies  Risk management Environmental best practices Verification of security infrastructure (with CTPAT as a ...

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Tài chính

...  are covered entirely by its revenue model. We know the importance of transparency, which is why we post our IRS-990 financial performance reports publicly, allowing stakeholders to easily review our income sources operations. Review our three most ...


...  United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) is dedicated to fashion made possible by global trade. represents textile apparel ...


Audit Fatigue: New Approaches to a Chronic Problem

...  a recent webinar hosted by our friends at the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), WRAP's President  ...  history of audit fatigue in manufacturing facilities best practices for devising practical solutions. Các full recording of this ...
